Community Involvment

Al Standaert
Director - Sales and Program Management Congratulations Al, on your 50th blood donation! Your contribution over the years have affected many in great need. Unique Tool & Gauge Inc. is proud to employ a model citizen such as yourself!
• Up to 5 donations of whole blood is required for one person having heart surgery _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Great work Al!
Facts of Giving Blood
• Up to 50 for on car crash victim
• Up to 5 for someone with cancer
• Up to 8 donors per week for Leukemia patient
• Lowering blood pressure (Studies have indicated that donors are less likely to have a cardiac event)
• Lowering or maintaining iron levels-high iron can lead to hardening of the arteries
• Each time you give is like having a mini physical(iron levels, blood pressure, white/red cell counts, temperature)
• Your blood is automatically checked for most STD’s and some viruses like West Nile.
• More than likely your cholesterol level will be lower due to giving
• Menopausal women have higher iron levels and therefore can reduce the chance of heart disease by giving
• Giving the “gift of life” feels good.